In addition to creating users, vendors may change the passwords given to users when they were first created. This ability allows vendors the flexibility to keep their own user account passwords in sync with their corresponding Legato user accounts or allow for the resetting of lost passwords.

To change a user's password, vendors should call the JSON method, changeUserPassword, supplying both the Legato user ID of the user and the new password for the user. This method will return true if the password change was successful.

DescriptionChanges a user's password
Parameters<user_id>The Legato user ID of the user
<new_password>The new password for the user. Must be 12+ characters.
<vendor_username>Your Legato vendor username
<api_key>Your Legato vendor API key
Returns{"user_changed": 1027924, "success": true}The user ID and a resut of true on a sucessful password change
Possible Errorsinvalid_user_id