As vendors need to keep track of various pieces of information regarding specific users, they need to generate Legato user records for all their users and store the newly-generated Legato user IDs and passwords. The Legato user IDs are used to track each user's purchased pieces of music (i.e. "Print-Ready"). These IDs are also used to authorize additional prints for users. Vendors should call the JSON method, createNewUser, to create these new Legato user records. They must supply a password for the new user. The password supplied does nfot need to match any passwords the user uses to access the vendor's website: it is used only for transactions with the DMC.

The DMC is not meant to be a full user management system: this is left up to each vendor. A Legato user account is only meant to allow vendors to tie their existing user accounts to the music purchased and printed from the DMC.

Note that user management will be done entirely through a web service, meaning that vendors cannot yet manage users in their admin console. Vendors may also want to create a "guest" Legato user ID for performing transactions as a guest user.

DescriptionCreates a new Legato user record and returns that user's ID
Parameters<user_password>The password for the new user. Must be 12+ characters.
<vendor_username>Your Legato vendor username
<api_key>Your Legato vendor API key
Returns{"success": true, "user": 1046518}The Legato user ID of the newly-created user
Possible Errorsinvalid_password