On the "Library Manager" page, vendors may select the music pieces they wish to list for sale on their websites by checking the boxes identified as "My Library Music" to the left of the music pieces. (Note: the scope of the check all and uncheck all features is all results matching the current query, not just the current page.) After vendors have selected the pieces to be included in their library, they may download it as a tab-delimited file. Vendors are responsible for importing this data set into their own commerce system. The following columns are included in this file:

MRMusicID, Publisher, DateAdded, SKU, SRP, Title, SimpleTitle, Source, SourceType, Arrangement, Categories, PageCount, TerritoryCode, Territory,Ranking, RefSKU, RefUPC, RefISBN, RefStatus, RefFolioOnly, Contributor1, Contributor1Role, . . . ContributorN, ContributorNRole

Descriptions of each of these columns are as follows:

MRMusicIDThe Legato ID of the music
PublisherThe name of the publisher who published the music
DateAddedThe date the music was added by the publisher to the Legato system
SKUThe SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) assigned by the publisher to the music
SRPThe SRP (Suggested Retail Price) of the music
TitleThe title of the music
SimpleTitleA simplified version of the title of the music
SourceThe name of the source of the music
SourceTypeA code corresponding to the medium of the source of the music (B = Broadway show, M = Movie, T = TV show)
ArrangementThe particular set of voices or instruments the music was adapted for
CategoriesCategories the music belongs to (Multiple categories are separated by semicolons)
PageCountThe number of pages in the music
TerritoryCodeA code representing the territory where the music can be sold
TerritoryA description of where the music can be sold
RankingA sales ranking based on units/downloads
RefSKUThe SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) assigned by the publisher to the printed form of the music
RefUPCThe UPC (Universal Product Code) of the printed form of the music
RefISBNThe ISBN (International Standard Book Number) of the printed form of the music
RefStatusThe status of the printed form of the music
RefFolioOnlyWhether the printed form of the music is available only as part of a folio
ContributorNThe name of a contributor of the music (N represents a number between 1 and the maximum number of contributors)
ContributorNRoleThe role of the contributor (e.g. Artist, Lyricist, Composer, etc.)